

amateur tinkerer, professional nerd


Wireless Power Transfer Over PCB Trace Coils

picture of the finished assembly, with LEDs operating

Custom implementation of resonant wireless power transfer over coils formed from PCB traces. TX side uses H-bridge with gate drivers, driven by STM32F070F6. RX side includes LEDs, hall sensor, temp sensor, etc. and is controlled by STM32G031C6.

Oreo Ornament

picture of the finished ornament

A Christmas ornament built out of a 3-layer stack of PCBs. Uses serially addressable RGB LEDs to light up copper cutouts on the front panel. Run on an STM32F030F4.


picture of the finished boombox

A personal boombox made with LM386 audio amps, MAX5456 logarithmic digipots, and a custom laser-cut acrylic enclosure. Also features a LED bar graph VU meter, and some nice lil buttons.

Heartbeat Sensor

picture of the laid out board

A “wearable” intended to flash a high power IR LED in tandem with my pulse. Detection with a piezo, amplification/filtering with various ICs, built onto a compact PCB. Processing of pulse done with a modded webcam and OpenCV.

Analog PWM Fan Controller

Using ICs to make a square wave generator, integrator, and comparator, capable of producing a 20 kHz PWM signal suitable for communicating with a PC fan. Built on cheap, low-quality breadboards, but functional for blowing solder smoke away from my face.